
Life Saving

Schindler's List

by Thomas Keneally

A Man for Others: Maximilian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz, in the Words of Those Who Knew Him

by Patricia Treece


Luther: A Life

by John M. Todd

Martin Luther: An Illustrated Biography

by Peter Manns, translated by Michael Shaw, with an introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan

Living in the Breach

The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays of Eugenio Montale

edited and translated by Jonathan Galassi

Exorcist and Analyst

Shamans, Mystics and Doctors: A Psychological Inquiry into India and Its Healing Traditions

by Sudhir Kakar

Twilight of Authority

Prejudices: A Philosophical Dictionary

by Robert Nisbet

Of Human Bondage

Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study

by Orlando Patterson

Memory and Its Discontents

Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory

by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi

The Great Lobbyist

“Lyndon Johnson’s art as a seducer consisted wholly of isolating the piece of moonshine dearest to his object, then appropriating it and handing it back as though it were a gift.”

The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path to Power

by Robert A. Caro

Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir

by George Reedy

Berlin in the Light

Berlin 1910-1933

by Eberhard Roters, with Janos Frecot and Sonja Günther and Joachim Heusinger von Waldegg and Ulrich Gregor and Arno Paul, translated by Margerite Mounier

Avant-Garde Photography in Germany, 1919-1939

by Van Deren Coke

Russia’s Old New Right

The Origins of Autocracy: Ivan the Terrible in Russian History

by Alexander Yanov, translated by Stephen Dunn

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