
Portrait of the Artist as a Paradox

Rembrandt's Eyes

by Simon Schama

Cruel and Usual

Proximity to Death

by William S. McFeely

The House of Mr. Naipaul

Between Father and Son: Family Letters

by V.S. Naipaul

Clinton & His Enemies

Dead Center: Clinton-Gore Leadership and the Perils of Moderation

by James MacGregor Burns and Georgia J. Sorenson

by Dick Morris

Clinton's World: Remaking American Foreign Policy

by William G. Hyland



by J.M. Coetzee

Anatomy of a Murderer

Milosevic: Portrait of a Tyrant

by Dusko Doder and Louise Branson

Looking at a Snowdrop

A Year at North Hill: Four Seasons in a Vermont Garden

by Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd

Annuals and Biennials

by Roger Phillips and Martyn Rix

The Genus Galanthus

by Aaron P. Davis, illustrated by Christabel King

My Garden (Book)

by Jamaica Kincaid, illustrated by Jill Fox

My Favorite Plant: Writers and Gardeners on the Plants They Love

edited by Jamaica Kincaid

The Explorer's Garden: Rare and Unusual Perennials

by Daniel J. Hinckley

Small Books of Great Gardens: Alhambra: A Moorish Paradise Enchantment, each volume, 79

photographs by Claire de Virieu, text by Gabrielle van Zuylen and Gilles de Brissac and Pierre Bergé and Madison Cox and Lauro Marchetti and Esrne Howard

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A Dying World

One River: Explorations and Discoveries in the Amazon Rain Forest

by Wade Davis

The Amazon River Forest: A Natural History of Plants, Animals, and People

by Nigel J.H. Smith

Now Voyager

Passage to Juneau: A Sea and Its Meanings

by Jonathan Raban

Game Without End

The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett: Volume IV: The Shorter Plays

edited by S.E. Gontarski

No Author Better Served: The Correspondence of Samuel Beckett and Alan Schneider

edited by Maurice Harmon

On the Road

Mad Travelers: Reflections on the Reality of Transient Mental Illnesses

by Ian Hacking

The Drama Inside the Concerto

Concerto Conversations

by Joseph Kerman

Sunday in the Park with Fred

A Clearing in the Distance: Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the Nineteenth Century

by Witold Rybczynski

Life Is Beautiful

Lovers for a Day: New and Collected Stories

by Ivan Klíma, Translated from the Czech by Gerald Turner


L'Art de la conversation

edited by Jacqueline Hellegouarc'h, with a preface by Marc Fumaroli

'De l'air galant' et autres Conversations (1653-1686): Pour une étude de l'archive galante

by Madeleine de Scudéry, edited by Delphine Denis

Correspondence: Models of Letter-Writing from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century

by Roger Chartier and Alain Boureau and Cécile Dauphin, translated by Christopher Woodall

Les Caractères

by Jean de La Bruyère, edited by Louis Van Delft

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