To the Editors:

A Fund in honor of J. Robert Oppenheimer is now being established at the Institute for Advanced Study, of which Dr. Oppenheimer was Director from 1947 to 1966. It is part of an Institute-sponsored Oppenheimer memorial which will also include an endowed chair and a small number of endowed fellowships for outstanding young research scholars.

The Fund will be used primarily to encourage the examination of new and centrally important questions as they arise at the periphery of knowledge, and will for this purpose enable the Institute to bring to its community of scholars distinguished men and women from fields not presently represented in a permanent way on its faculty.

An additional purpose of the Fund will be to reinforce the quality of research and scholarship throughout the world of higher learning by means of the Institute’s program of visiting members whose intellectual development is basic to its objectives.

In providing the public leadership for the J. Robert Oppenheimer Fund, the sponsors and the Institute seek the participation of all those who wish to express in an enduring way their affection for and their debt to this remarkable man.

Donors are requested to make checks payable to the Institute for Advanced Study. Contributions are deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes.

Harry Woolf


The Institute for Advanced Study

Princeton, New Jersey 08540

Sponsors: George Balanchine, Sir Isaiah Berlin, Hans Bethe, Robert F. Goheen, Stuart Hampshire, Wallace K. Harrison, Amory Houghton, Sr., George Kennan, Wilmarth S. Lewis, David Lilienthal, Nicolas Nabokov, Paul H. Nitze, Linus Pauling, Emanuel Piore, I.I. Rabi, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., John A. Wheeler, C.N. Yang

This Issue

March 9, 1978