
The Supreme Fairy Tale

Lectures on Don Quixote

by Vladimir Nabokov, edited by Fredson Bowers, preface by Reynolds Price, introduction by Guy Davenport

From the House of Life

An Illustrated History of Interior Decoration: From Pompeii to Art Nouveau

by Mario Praz, translated by William Weaver

Il mondo che ho visto

by Mario Praz

From Infancy to Senility and Back

The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities

by Mancur Olson

What Was Fascism?

Who Were the Fascists: Social Roots of European Fascism

edited by Stein Ugelvik Larsen, edited by Bernt Hagtvet, edited by Jan Petter Myklebust

Who Voted for Hitler?

by Richard F. Hamilton

The Way They Lived Then

The English Terraced House

by Stefan Muthesius

The Last Country Houses

by Clive Aslet

On the Thread of Language

The Kingfisher

by Amy Clampitt

Utopia (Limited)

The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture

by Fritjof Capra

Greece à la Française

Le Chasseur noir: Formes de pensée et formes de société dans le monde grec

by Pierre Vidal-Naquet

Southern Exposure

The War Within: From Victorian to Modernist Thought in the South, 1919-1945

by Daniel Joseph Singal

Discrimination and Thomas Sowell

Ethnic America

by Thomas Sowell

Markets and Minorities

by Thomas Sowell

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