Subscribing to The New York Review of Books App

Print and online-only subscribers to The New York Review of Books can read complete issues and all of our online-only content on The New York Review of Books App. The app offers text and PDF views (print edition articles only), the ability to save articles, and the ability to search across recent issues and NYR Online content. Instructions for subscribing or signing in follow:

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The New York Review of Books App is available through the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. You may purchase monthly or yearly subscriptions through those app stores if you are not a current Review subscriber. Subscriptions purchased through the app stores do not include access to the New York Review’s archive on our website, and only include five years of content at any given time.

If you are having trouble logging in to the app and you subscribe to the print or online edition, please contact us on our website’s contact form, and choose “NYR App Feedback” from the dropdown menu. If you subscribe directly through the app store and are encountering problems, please contact the app store for assistance.

Please note that there is a new version of the NYR App. You may need to update your app manually through your devices app store in order to access new content; instructions for signing in are below. If you subscribed via your device’s app store, you may need to manually update the app and then click the “Restore” button on the settings page in order to regain access to the app once the transition is complete.

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