To the Editors:

Under the joint sponsorship of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Modern Language Association’s Center for Editions of American Authors, we are preparing a complete new “clear text” edition of the writings of Henry David Thoreau, based on modern bibliographical principles. We would be grateful to learn the whereabouts of any manuscripts of Thoreau’s writings, particularly those separate sheets which were bound into the 1906 Manuscript and Walden Editions of his Writings, or of any variant readings of the texts.

Walter Harding


The Thoreau Edition,

State University College,

Genesco, New York 14454

NOTE: The full title of the guide to Spain by Richard Ford, published by the Southern Illinois University Press and reviewed by Gerald Brenan in the January 26 issue of the NYR is A Hand-Book for Travelers in Spain and Readers at Home. It is in three volumes of 1600 pages and costs $50.00.

This Issue

February 9, 1967