I bring to your attention the order to send to me by the 12th October 1969 at the latest a written report containing an appraisal and an evaluation of the opinions, declarations, and unjust acts, above all of the orientation of the rightist opportunists, anti-socialists, anti-Soviets, who took part during 1968 and 1969 in the organs of the schools and faculties in public declarations of various teachers in the organs of the student movement and the public declarations of various students. The report must substantially contain the following information:
- The participation of academic civil servants and the scientific council of the school, eventually of the faculty, in the various pressure activities in the resolutions, declarations, expressions of solidarity with the actions of the students etc. Match the text and the dates of these declarations, letting it be known at the same time if these unjust resolutions have been cancelled, and if you might be in a position to propose their cancellation and at what date. Ask each of the officers who have taken part personally in these activities and demand from each one a written personal evaluation of their activities and a statement of their attitude with respect to the general politics of the PCT, of the National Front, of the Federal Government and the National Government. Attach these personal evaluations to the report;
- Which professors and lecturers of your school, eventually of the faculty, have declared themselves in the press, by their public interventions and by their activities within the K.A.N. (the club of the non-party involved people, in various clubs and organizations, etc.)? If they acted as initiators or organizers of pressure campaigns of signatures; of the intervention of the opposition from teachers and students against the politics of PCT and the National Front, as participants in campaigns against the faithful partisans of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. Mention their date of birth, their position and brief description of their acts. Discuss these with them and demand from them a written declaration. Attach these to the report.
Who among the workers at the school, eventually of the faculty, during the year 1968 and 1969, who were molested or who were targets of discrimination simply because they respected the current acceptable attitude of the party, who respected its internationalist programme and who had not allowed themselves to be intimidated by the psychological terror of the anti-socialist forces and the forces of the right. Mention the date of birth, their position, the sort of discrimination and measures (attacks in the press, radio, tracts, campaigns of signatures, relieved from their duties, departure from the faculty, being put into coventry, and the sequelae on their health of terror, etc.);
Evaluate the behaviour of all the members of the Chair of social scientists (Marxism-Leninism) and mention if the person acted during the years 1968 to 1969 in the interest of the accepted party policy. If he respected its internationalism programme, if he had not allowed himself to be broken by attacks from the anti-socialist forces and from the right. If he showed in his work any manifestation of hesitation, but was able to be free from these errors and faults during that period and is today sincerely convinced of the correctness of the party policy, and has decided to apply himself to gain the students and the other teachers. If he as a partisan or a propagator of opportunism from the right, as well as of Zionism, participated in the campaigns against faithful partisans of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, etc. Demand from each member who holds a Chair a written reply to these questions and a written evaluation of his conduct and of the activities of the whole Chair. Attach these to the report;
The list of all the officers of the student union of Bohemia and Moravia who have taken part who have spoken to students of the municipal centre and other organizations and clubs of students in 1968 and 1969 in your faculty or school of higher learning. Give their date of birth, their residence (college), their faculty, year of study, results in this study, and a brief outline of their character.
Mention separately the list of students who by their declaration in the mass media, in reunions and above all in other activities, worked as initiators and organizers of interventions against the politics of PCT, the National Front, the Federal and National Governments, who have taken part in campaigns against loyal partisans of Marxism-Leninism and socialist internationalism, who took part in demonstrations, anti-socialist and anti-Soviet, etc. Outside these dates give brief information on their relevant activities.
Mention the following: what sums the school, eventually the faculty, have dispensed in contributing to new organizations of students during the course of 1968; and during the first half of 1969, if and how machines for duplicating by roneotype or the central printing equipment of the school was used for publication of tracts, for names and for declarations. Present at the same time examples of these publications.
I hope that your reports and evaluations will be accurate and complete, founded on just principles, and based only on irreproachable criteria. Your reports will be able to contribute considerably to an accurate analysis of the situation in the schools of higher learning, to amelioration of the work on educational policy and to acceleration of the processes of consolidation.
The Rector of the school will attach to the reports from his Deans his independent appraisal which will also be complimentary. Find out for yourself which workers have eventually refused to submit a personal declaration. I ask that these should be denounced and their evaluation should be discussed with the respective organs of the PTC.
I draw the attention of the academic officers of the schools and faculties to the fact that the Minister of National Education is carrying out at the same time a proper detailed analysis of the students in different schools of higher learning derived from the information at his disposal. These conclusions will be compared with your revelations and evaluation and any contradictions will eventually be judged and discussed with you.
Prof. Mudr. Jaromir Hrbek, D.Sc.
This Issue
December 4, 1969