In response to:
Torture in Brazil from the February 26, 1970 issue
To the Editors:
Through your columns, many Americans have become aware of the systematic use of torture employed by the present military regime in Brazil against students, professors, clergymen, workers, and scores of other political prisoners [NYR, Feb. 26].
The chief goal of Amnesty International is to seek the release of prisoners of conscience in all parts of the world. Among other cases, we are now working to secure the release of the eminent Brazilian historian and writer, Dr. Caio Prado, Jr., and our group is planning a public demonstration to protest the flagrant violation of human rights in Brazil. We invite your readers to join our ranks on Saturday, June 13, 1970, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in front of the Varig Airlines offices on Fifth Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets.
Ivan Morris
Chairman, Riverside Group
Amnesty International
New York City
This Issue
June 18, 1970