To the Editors:
The following is an open letter to the president of Brazil:
We, the intellectuals and artists who sign this letter, have received with indignation and apprehension the news of the order of arrest for political motives issued by your government against the writer and art critic Mario Pedrosa.
Mr. Pedrosa is known to us for his works in the field of art, and to all those who have read his works or known him personally he represents one of the most accomplished expressions of the intelligence of a country that he has always brilliantly represented and uncompromisingly and courageously defended.
We hold you personally responsible for the bodily and mental well-being of this eminent Brazilian who has won everywhere, by his personality, admiration and respect from his associates.
We await with impatience and anxiety to be informed that the measures taken against him by your government have been revoked.
Alexander Calder, Henry Moore, Cristiane Du Parc, Cruz Diez, Jovenal Ravelo, Jacques Vagmarsky, Zao Wou Ki, Luc-Alain Bois, Picasso, Max Bill, Soulages, I. Agam, G. Rossi
(Partial list: the appeal was also signed by twenty-five Latin American artists living in Paris.)
This Issue
March 9, 1972