To the Editors:
I learn from a friend of mine who is serving as one of the Soledad Brothers’ defense attorneys that defense funds have been depleted to the point where court costs can no longer be reimbursed. This means, of course, that the attorneys who are giving of their time and talents are also being tapped to pay for the out-of-pocket expenses of the court case. I daresay this may be due to a diversion of the public’s interest by the removal from the case, by murder, of George Jackson, the most prominent member of the Soledad Brothers trio, and the more dramatic Angela Davis case now getting under way in San Jose. But whatever the reason, the moral justification for this case remains. Funds are sorely needed, and at once. Send to Soledad Brothers Legal Committee, Box 40597, San Francisco, California 94140, with checks made payable to Soledad Brothers Legal Fund.
Doris T. Heller
Minneapolis, Minnesota
This Issue
April 6, 1972