To the Editors:
Liberation News Service was formed around the time of the Pentagon March in 1967 when many people felt dissatisfied with the distorted and incomplete way the commercial press covered the event. Since that time Liberation News Service has grown from a mimeoed sheet distributed to ten newspapers to a printed fifteen-page packet of articles and graphics mailed to over 500 subscribers twice a week. Besides alternative and college papers, LNS packets go to papers serving such varied audiences as blacks, factory workers, women, Puerto Ricans, Chicanos, Gls, Native Americans, gays, prisoners, and high school students.
Liberation News Service is currently in serious financial trouble. LNS subscribers—never very wealthy themselves—have been hit particularly hard by the current economic crisis. It’s getting harder and harder for small papers in small towns to continue paying even a nominal amount to LNS. And for the sailor off the coast of Japan putting out a mimeoed sheet and a prisoner sharing LNS with others, it’s even harder.
Please send anything you can to Liberation News Service, 160 Claremont Avenue, New York, NY 10027.
Dave Dellinger, James Forman, William M. Kunstler, Jack Newfield, Marge Piercy, and Cora Weiss
This Issue
June 27, 1974