To the Editors:
A disastrous fire destroyed my studio with all of its contents in 1966. I am still trying to complete the documentation of my work up to that time. I am now looking for photographs, reviews, dates, playbills, or recollections of the stage sets I did for the following plays, all directed by Herbert Machiz, in New Jersey and New York City between 1953 and 1955.
- Garcia Lorca’s “The Loves of Don Perlimplin for Belissa in the Garden”
- Parker Tyler’s “The Screen”
Lionel Abel’s “The Death of Odysseus”
Entire season—10 plays—Lakeside Summer Theatre, Landing Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey.
I would appreciate any replies.
Alfred Leslie
Box 306
Amherst, Mass. 01002
This Issue
June 14, 1979