To the Editors:
Many of your readers must know about, and be sympathetic to, the Peace Now movement (Shalom Achshov) in Israel. Composed mainly of young persons, Peace Now is a nonparty, non-ideological group that, while strongly concerned with Israeli security, has been trying to persuade the Israeli people and government to continue the movement toward negotiated peace in the Middle East. During the past two years it played an important role, through demonstrations and other public acts, in mobilizing opinion against the Israeli “hawks” and expansionists. At present it is concentrating on a campaign against the Israeli government policy of “settlements” in the West Bank, a policy it regards as disruptive of the peace process in the short run and raising the possibility of Israeli domination or annexation of the West Bank in the long run.
Funded only through contributions from its supporters, Peace Now needs help. We urge all those who sympathize with its aims to send checks to Peace Now, Box 20422, Jerusalem, Israel.
Irving Howe
Sidney Morgenbesser
New York City
This Issue
October 11, 1979