In response to:
Information Wanted from the September 27, 1979 issue
To the Editors:
“J.S. of Dale,” the subject of Mr. Graham Greene’s query in your issue of September 27, was Frederic Jesup Stimson.
He was born July 20, 1855 in Dedham, Massachusetts, was educated to the law at Harvard (LL.B., 1878), taught at its Law School for many years, and was the first US ambassador to Argentina (1914-1921), as well as special envoy to Brazil for a brief time in 1919. In addition to his fiction and at least one “poem-play,” The Light of Provence (N.D.), he wrote a number of works on both constitutional and labor law. The Crime of Henry Vane was the second of three novels—Guerndale (1882) and The Sentimental Calendar (1886) are the other two—published under his pseudonym. At least eight other volumes of fiction, both novels and stories, appeared under his own name between 1879, the year of Rollo’s Journey to Cambridge, and 1917, when a fictional autobiography of Benedict Arnold, My Story, was published. Stimson’s own autobiography, My United States, appeared in 1931, twelve years before his death.
Douglas Taylor
New York City
This Issue
October 25, 1979