To the Editors:
The bequest of Dame Frances Yates has enabled the Warburg Institute of the University of London to establish Research Fellowships in her name, to be held at the Institute. There will be two kinds of Fellowship, longterm (up to three years, not normally renewable) and short-term (up to three months, not normally renewable). These will be advertised each year in October. Applications for the first awards should be received not later than 15 November 1982, and those wishing to apply should obtain further particulars from the Secretary and Registrar, The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WCIH OAB.
It is expected that the names of those to whom the awards have been made will be announced at the end of January each year. The tenure of the Fellowships will begin on 1 October following the announcement of the successful candidates, or as soon after that as possible. The number and value of the Fellowships will vary according to the money available from year to year. The Fellowships are intended primarily for younger scholars, who should have completed at least two years’ research towards the doctorate. Applicants over thirty-five will be considered only if they propose to take unpaid leave from an established post in order to complete a particular piece of work. Fellows’ interests may lie in any aspect of cultural and intellectual history but, other things being equal, preference will be given to those whose work is concerned with those areas of the medieval and Renaissance encyclopedia of knowledge to which Dame Frances herself made such distinguished contributions.
J.B. Trapp
Warburg Institute, London, England
This Issue
September 23, 1982