To the Editors:
The international community of women playwrights is greatly concerned about the arrest and detention of eminent Indonesian playwright Ratna Sarumpaet whom we regard as an artistic ambassador for Indonesia.
We are alarmed at the detention and charging of Ratna Sarumpaet, her daughter Fathom Saulina, and with them Ging Ginanjar, Alexius Suria Tjahaja Tomu, Bonar Tigor Naipospos, Wira, Joel Thaher, Aspar Paturus, and Adi Hermawan, all arrested on March 10, 1998, for making a peaceful statement about their political views.
We urge your readers
- to press the Indonesian authorities to release unconditionally Ratna Sarumpaet, Fathom Saulina, and others arrested with them, and to drop any charges relating to their peaceful protest and to put an end to all further arrests of peaceful activists;
- to seek assurances from the Indonesian government that no one in detention will be subjected to torture or ill-treatment and anyone in detention will be permitted access to a lawyer of their own choosing, to members of their family, and to medical professionals;
to seek assurances from the Indonesian government that members of the security forces will act in accordance with internationally accepted standards and will not violate human rights;
to seek assurances from the Indonesian government that arms exported to Indonesia are not used to commit human rights violations;
to write in the above terms to the Attorney General of Indonesia, Agung Singgih S.H., Jaksa Agung, Jl. Sultan Hsanuddin No. 1, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, Fax +62 21 725 0213.
The Australian Members of the International Advisory Committee of the International Organisation of Women Playwrights:
Karen Corbett
Liz Jones
Sheela Langeberg
Alison Lyssa
Kate McNamara
Thérèse Radic
Sandra Shotlander
Merle Thornton
17 Craigrossie Avenue
Coburg 3058, Australia
This Issue
June 11, 1998