In response to:
Saving Alan Turing from His Friends from the February 5, 2015 issue
To the Editors:
I was delighted to read Christian Caryl’s article “Saving Alan Turing from His Friends” [NYR, February 5]. My parents were both at Bletchley Park. I believe it’s important that the achievements of all who worked there are widely understood. Many authors, as well as the Bletchley Park Trust, have worked hard to this end. The story—of Turing himself, and of the codebreakers as a whole—is strong enough without making it up. As explained so well by Caryl, almost all the points of drama in The Imitation Game were fabricated, and the entire thesis was a gross distortion. The film did a disservice to Turing himself and to all the other nine thousand people who worked at Bletchley Park.
Alexander Nicoll
London, England