
Alexander Stille

Alexander Stille is San Paolo Professor of International Journalism at Columbia. His most recent book is a memoir, The Force of Things: A Marriage in War and Peace.
 (October 2019)


Not So Funny

Not So Funny

Siamo in Guerra: Per una nuova politica [We Are at War: For a New Politics]

by Gianroberto Casaleggio and Beppe Grillo

Comico e Politico: Beppe Grillo e la crisi della democrazia [The Comic and the Politician: Beppe Grillo and the Crisis of Democracy]

by Oliviero Ponte di Pino

Politica a 5 stelle: Idee, Storia e Strategie del Movimento di Grillo [Five-Star Politics: Ideas, History and Strategies of the Grillo Movement]

by Roberto Biorcio and Paolo Natale

Supernova: Com’è stato ucciso il MoVimento 5 Stelle [Supernova: How the Five Star Movement Was Killed]

by Marco Canestrari and Nicola Biondo

May 10, 2018 issue

The Last Slaves in Mauritania

Prêcher dans le désert: Islam politique et changement social en Mauritanie [Preaching in the Desert: Political Islam and Social Change in Mauritania]

by Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem

November 23, 2017 issue

The Pope Who Tried

The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe

by David I. Kertzer

April 23, 2015 issue

Italy Under a Microscope

The Vatican Diaries: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Power, Personalities and Politics at the Heart of the Catholic Church

by John Thavis

Italian Ways: On and Off the Rails from Milan to Palermo

by Tim Parks

December 5, 2013 issue

The Strange Victory of Padre Pio

Padre Pio: Miracles and Politics in a Secular Age

by Sergio Luzzatto, translated from the Italian by Frederika Randall

October 25, 2012 issue

The Corrupt Reign of Emperor Silvio

The Corrupt Reign of Emperor Silvio

Papi: Uno Scandalo Politico (Papi: A Political Scandal)

by Peter Gomez, Marco Lillo, and Marco Travaglio

Il Regalo di Berlusconi (The Gift of Berlusconi)

by Peter Gomez and Antonella Mascali

Gradisca, Presidente: Tutta la verità della escort più famosa al mondo (At Your Pleasure, Mr. President: The Whole Truth About the Most Famous Escort in the World)

by Patrizia D'Addario, with Maddalena Tulanti

Guzzanti vs Berlusconi

by Paolo Guzzanti


a film directed by Erik Gandini

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April 8, 2010 issue

Italy Against Itself

La deriva: perché l'Italia rischia il naufragio (Adrift: Why Italy Risks a Shipwreck)

by Gian Antonio Stella and Sergio Rizzo

La paura e la speranza (Fear and Hope)

by Giulio Tremonti

Se li conosci li eviti (If You Know Them, You Avoid Them)

by Peter Gomez and Marco Travaglio

December 4, 2008 issue

Italy: The Family Business

Italy and Its Discontents: Family, Civil Society, State, 1980-2001

by Paul Ginsborg

"The Patrimonial Ambitions of Silvio B"

by Paul Ginsborg

The Dark Heart of Italy: Travels Through Time and Space Across Italy

by Tobias Jones

October 9, 2003 issue

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