
Francis Haskell

Francis Haskell (1928-2000) was an English art historian. His works include Patrons and Painters: Art and Society in Baroque Italyand History and its Images: Art and the Interpretation of the Past. Haskell taught at Oxford.

Mysterious Masterpieces

Lorenzo Lotto: Master Painter of the Renaissance 1997-March 1, 1998; the Accademia di Belle Arti, Bergamo, April 2-June 28, 1998; the Grand Palais, Paris, October 12, 1998-January 11, 1999.

an exhibition at the National Gallery, Washington, D.C., November 2,, Catalog of the exhibition by David Alan Brown and Peter Humfrey and Mauro Lucco

Dosso Dossi: Court Painter in Renaissance Ferrara Ferrara, September 26-December 14, 1998; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, January 14-March 28, 1999; and the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, April 27-July 11, 1999.

an exhibition at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea,, Catalog of the exhibition by Peter Humfrey and Mauro Lucco, edited by Andrea Bayer

Dosso's Fate: Painting and Court Culture in Renaissance Italy

edited by Luisa Ciammitti and Steven F. Ostrow and Salvatore Settis

February 18, 1999 issue

The Art of the Possible

Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 12, 1998, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, March 10, 1998-June 7, 1998.

by 1997-January an exhibition at the Grand Palais, Paris, September 23, Catalog of the exhibition by Sylvain Lavessière

Augustin Pajou, Royal Sculptor and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 26-May 24, 1998.

byan exhibition at the Louvre, Paris, October 20, 1997-January 19, 1998, Catalog of the exhibition by James David Draper and Guilhelm Scherf

March 5, 1998 issue

In Love with Light

Giambattista Tiepolo, 1696-1770

Exhibition at the Ca' Rezzonico, Venice, September 5-December 9, 1996 and the Metropolitan Museum, New York, January 24-April 27, 1997

Giambattista Tiepolo, 1696-1770

Catalog of the exhibition, edited by Keith Christiansen

Der Himmel auf Erden: Tiepolo in Würzburg February 15-May 19, 1996

Exhibition at the Prince-Bishop's Residenz, Würzburg, Germany

Heaven on Earth: Tiepolo: Masterpieces of the Würzburg Years

by Peter O. Krückmann

Tiepolo and His Circle: Drawings in American Collections

by Bernard Aikema, translated by Andrew McCormick

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February 6, 1997 issue

Ah! Sweet History of Life

Ah! Sweet History of Life

The Autumn of the Middle Ages

by Johan Huizinga, translated by Rodney J. Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch

The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance

by John Hale

April 4, 1996 issue

Poussin’s Season

Nicolas Poussin 1594–1665 Paris, September 1994–January 1995, by

catalog of the exhibition at the Grand Palais, Pierre Rosenberg and Louis-Antoine Prat

Nicolas Poussin 1594–1665 January 19–April 9, 1995, by Richard Verdi and others.

catalog of the exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London,

Nicolas Poussin 1594–1665: Catalogue raisonné des dessins

by Pierre Rosenberg and Louis-Antoine Prat

Nicolas Poussin: La Collection du Musée Bonnat à Bayonne

by Pierre Rosenberg and Louis-Antoine Prat

Poussin before Rome, 1594–1624

by Jacques Thuillier, translated by Christopher Allen

A Dance to the Music of Time by Nicolas Poussin

by Richard Beresford

Nicolas Poussin: La Collection du Musée Condé à Chantilly

by Pierre Rosenberg and Louis-Antoine Prat

Nicolas Poussin

by Anthony Blunt

Nicolas Poussin

by Jacques Thuillier

Autour de Poussin Musée du Louvre, 1994, by

Dossier-Exposition du Département des Peintures, Gilles Chomer and Sylvain Laveissiére

Poussin's Paintings: A Study in Art-Historical Methodology

by David Carrier

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March 23, 1995 issue

Only Collect

Le Géant, La Licorne et La Tulipe: Collections françaises au XVII siècle

by Antoine Schnapper

Les Frères Goncourt: collectionneurs de dessins

by Elizabeth Launay

J.P. Morgan: The Financier as Collector

by Louis Auchincloss

Collectors and Curiosities: Paris and Venice, 1500–1800

by Krzysztof Pomian

Pricing the Priceless: Art, Artists, and Collectors

by William D. Grampp

The Return of Cultural Treasures

by Jeanette Greenfield

The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property?

edited by Phyllis Mauch Messenger

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January 30, 1992 issue

Titian and the Perils of International Exhibition

Titian and the Perils of International Exhibition

Titian 1990 and at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC October 28, 1990–January 27, 1991

an exhibition at the Palazzo Ducale, Venice June 1, 1990–October 7,


catalog of the exhibition, Introduction by Francesco Valcanover

August 16, 1990 issue

Artemisia’s Revenge?

Artemisia Gentileschi: The Image of the Female Hero in Italian Baroque Art

by Mary D. Garrard

Pietro Testa, 1612–1650: Prints and Drawings (November–December 1988) by Elizabeth Cropper

catalog of an exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, with essays by Charles Dempsey and Francesco Solinas and Anna Nicolò and Francesca Consagra

July 20, 1989 issue

Thanks for the Memory

Les lieux de mémoire

edited by Pierre Nora

Painting Politics for Louis-Philippe: Art and Ideology in Orléanist France, 1830–1848

by Michael Marrinan

December 8, 1988 issue

What’s in a Portrait?

Degas: His Life, Times, and Work

by Roy McMullen

Pompeo Batoni Introductory Text edited and prepared for publication by

by Anthony Clark, A Complete Catalog of His Works with an Edgar Peters Bowron

Reynolds Weidenfeld and Nicolson, (to be published by Abrams in the fall)

edited by Nicholas Penny

March 27, 1986 issue

The Voyage of Watteau

Watteau: 1684–1721

by Margaret Morgan Grasselli and Pierre Rosenberg, with the assistance of Nicole Parmantier

Antoine Watteau

by Donald Posner

Le Serment du Jeu de Paume de Jacques-Louis David

by Philippe Bordes

December 20, 1984 issue

Secrets of Caravaggio

Secrets of Caravaggio

Circa 1600:A Revolution of Style in Italian Painting

by S.J. Freedberg


by Alfred Moir


by Howard Hibbard

May 12, 1983 issue

Famous but Unknown

French Sculptors of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: The Reign of Louis XIV

by François Souchal

April 15, 1982 issue

Out of the Picture

Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot

by Michael Fried

June 25, 1981 issue

Re-inventing the Eighteenth Century

Re-inventing the Eighteenth Century

La Peinture d'histoire en France de 1747 à 1785

by Jean Locquin

1700 tal: Tanke och form i rokokon

an exhibition at the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm October 5, 1979-January 6, 1980

L'Arte del Settecento Emiliano: La Pittura

an exhibition at Palazzo di Re Enzo, Bologna, September-November, 1979

L'Arte del Settecento Emiliano: L'Arte a Parma dai Farnese ai Borbone

an exhibition at Palazzo della Pilotta, Parma, 1979

Chardin, 1699-1779

by Pierre Rosenberg. catalogue of the exhibition at Le Grand Palais, Paris, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Cleveland Museum of Art, 1979

Chardin and the Still-Life Tradition in France

by Gabriel P. Weisberg, with William S. Talbot. catalogue of the exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art, 1979

Civiltà del '700 a Napoli, 1734-1799

an exhibition at the Palazzo di Capodimonte, Naples, December 1979-October, 1980

The Architecture of the French Enlightenment

by Allan Braham

Alessandro Magnasco

by Fausta Franchini Guelfi

Goya: The Origins of the Modern Temper in Art

by Fred Licht

John Flaxman

edited by David Bindman. catalogue of the exhibition at the Hamburg Kunsthalle and the Royal Academy of Arts, London, Winter 1979

The Fuseli Circle at Rome: Early Romantic Art of the 1770s

by Nancy L. Pressly. catalogue of the exhibition at the Yale Center for British Art 1979

L'Art européen à la cour d'Espagne au XVIIIe siècle

exhibition at La Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, Le Grand Palais, Paris, and Prado, Madrid, May 1979-April 1980

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October 9, 1980 issue

Yesterday’s Today Show

The Shows of London: A Panoramic History of Exhibitions 1600-1862

by Richard D. Altick

October 12, 1978 issue

The Ideal Director

The Ideal Director

Sir Charles Eastlake and the Victorian Art World

by David Robertson

June 15, 1978 issue

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