
Gini Alhadeff

Gini Alhadeff’s books include The Sun at Midday and Diary of a Djinn. (June 2018)

Moving Targets

Moving Targets

The photographs of William Eggleston

William Eggleston: Los Alamos

an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, February 14–May 28, 2018

Election Eve

by William Eggleston, with a preface by Lloyd Fonvielle


by William Eggleston, edited by Phillip Prodger, with an appreciation by Sofia Coppola

The Democratic Forest

by William Eggleston, edited by Mark Holborn and William Eggleston III, and with an introduction by Eudora Welty

June 7, 2018 issue

Against Seriousness

Against Seriousness

Alberto Savinio

an exhibition at the Center for Italian Modern Art, New York City, October 6, 2017–June 23, 2018

May 10, 2018 issue

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