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The New Canadas
Continental Divide: The Values and Institutions of the United States and Canada
by Seymour Martin Lipset
North American Cultures: Values and Institutions in Canada and the United States
by Seymour Martin Lipset
August 16, 1990 issue
Poet of the Great Massacre
Poems of Paul Celan
translated and with an introduction by Michael Hamburger
January 18, 1990 issue
Grey Is the Color of Hope
by Irina Ratushinskaya, translated by Alyona Kojevnikov
Fear No Evil
by Natan Sharansky, translated by Stefani Hoffman
June 1, 1989 issue
Prophet of Lubyanka
My Century: The Odyssey of a Polish Intellectual
by Aleksander Wat, edited and translated by Richard Lourie, with a foreword by Czeslaw Milosz
December 8, 1988 issue
The Lie in the Soul
The Drowned and the Saved
by Primo Levi, translated by Raymond Rosenthal
March 17, 1988 issue
Is Nuclear Deterrence Moral?
Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism
by John Finnis and Joseph M. Boyle Jr. and Germain Grisez
The Catholic Church in World Politics
by Eric O. Hanson
November 5, 1987 issue
Looking for Lucifer
The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church
by Malachi Martin
June 25, 1987 issue
A New New Testament
The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity
by Thomas Sheehan
December 4, 1986 issue
The Historical Jesus
Jesus through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture
by Jaroslav Pelikan
February 13, 1986 issue
Meeting the Lord in the Air
The Naked Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America
by Richard John Neuhaus
Religion in the Secular City: Toward a Postmodern Theology
by Harvey Cox
October 11, 1984 issue
Nuclear Catholicism
Confession of a Catholic
by Michael Novak
Moral Clarity in the Nuclear Age
by Michael Novak, foreword by Billy Graham, introduction by William F. Buckley, Jr.
December 22, 1983 issue
Taking it on Faith
The Story of the Stories: The Chosen People and Its God
by Dan Jacobson
The Covenant: A Reading
by Jonathan Bishop
September 29, 1983 issue
Innocent at Home
The Outline of Sanity: A Life of G.K. Chesterton
by Alzina Stone Dale
April 28, 1983 issue
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