
Joan Acocella

Joan Acocella (1945–2024) was a staff writer at The New Yorker. Her final collection of essays, The Bloodied Nightgown, will be published in February. (January 2024)

Mixing It Up

Mixing It Up

Shuffle Along, or The Making of the Musical Sensation of 1921 and All That Followed

a musical written and directed by George C. Wolfe, with songs by Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake, at the Music Box Theatre, New York City, opened on April 28, 2016

June 23, 2016 issue

The Elmore Leonard Story

“All villains have mothers,” he said

Four Novels of the 1980s: City Primeval, LaBrava, Glitz, Freaky Deaky

by Elmore Leonard, edited by Gregg Sutter

Four Novels of the 1970s: Fifty-Two Pickup, Swag, Unknown Man No. 89, The Switch

by Elmore Leonard, edited by Gregg Sutter

Charlie Martz and Other Stories: The Unpublished Stories

by Elmore Leonard

September 24, 2015 issue

Pure Gold

Pure Gold

The Golden Legend

a dance piece by Christopher Williams

August 13, 2009 issue

No Bloody Toe Shoes

The Company

a film by Robert Altman, story by Neve Campbell and Barbara Turner, screenplay by Barbara Turner

February 26, 2004 issue

The Neapolitan Finger

Gesture in Naples and Gesture in Classical Antiquity (La mimica degli antichi investigata nel gestire napoletano)

by Andrea de Jorio, translated and edited by Adam Kendon

December 21, 2000 issue

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