
Paul de Man

The Riddle of Hölderlin

The Riddle of Hölderlin

Poems and Fragments

by Friedrich Hölderlin. (bilingual edition), translations by Michael Hamburger

November 19, 1970 issue

The Literature of Nihilism

The Artist's Journey into the Interior and Other Essays

by Erich Heller

The German Tradition in Literature 1871-1945

by Ronald Gray

June 23, 1966 issue

What is Modern?

The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature

edited by Richard Ellmann, edited by Charles Feidelson Jr.

August 26, 1965 issue

A Modern Master

A Modern Master


by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Mildred Boyer and Harold Morland


by Jorge Luis Borges, edited by Donald Yates and James E. Irby

November 19, 1964 issue

Sartre’s Confessions

Sartre’s Confessions

The Words

by Jean-Paul Sartre, Translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman

November 5, 1964 issue


Three Plays: Judith, Tiger at the Gates, and Duel of Angels

by Jean Giraudoux, translated by Christopher Fry

November 28, 1963 issue

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