
Virgil Thomson

Virgil Thomson (1896–1989) was a composer and critic. He collaborated extensively with Gertrude Stein, who wrote the libretti for his operas Four Saints in Three Actsand The Mother of Us All. In 1988 he was awarded the National Medal of Arts.

A Good Writer

Janet Flanner's World: Uncollected Writings 1932-1975

edited by Irving Drutman, introduction by William Shawn

The Cubical City

by Janet Flanner

An American in Paris

by Janet Flanner

Pétain: The Old Man of France

by Janet Flanner

Men and Monuments

by Janet Flanner

Paris Journal: Vol. I, 1944-1965

by Janet Flanner, edited by William Shawn

Paris Journal: Vol. II, 1965-1971

by Janet Flanner, edited by William Shawn

Paris Was Yesterday, 1925-1939

by Janet Flanner, edited by Irving Drutman

London Was Yesterday, 1934-1939

by Janet Flanner, edited by Irving Drutman

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January 24, 1980 issue

Making Black Music

Bird Lives! The High Life and Hard Times of Charlie (Yardbird) Parker

by Ross Russell

Black Music: Four Lives 1966)

by A.B. Spellman

Black Music

by LeRoi Jones

Black Nationalism and the Revolution in Music

by Frank Kofsky

Reflections on Afro-American Music

by Dominique-René de Lerma

Black Talk

by Ben Sidran

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October 17, 1974 issue

Wickedly Wonderful Widow

Wickedly Wonderful Widow

Staying on Alone: Letters of Alice B. Toklas

edited by Edward Burns, with an introduction by Gilbert A. Harrison

March 7, 1974 issue

Varèse, Xenakis, Carter

Varèse, Xenakis, Carter

Edgard Varèse

by Fernand Ouellette, translated by Derek Coltman

Varèse: A Looking-Glass Diary Volume I: 1883-1928

by Louise Varèse

Formalized Music: Thought and Mathematics in Composition

by Iannis Xenakis

Flawed Words and Stubborn Sounds: A Conversation with Elliott Carter

by Allen Edwards

August 31, 1972 issue

Untold Tales

Untold Tales

Without Stopping: An Autobiography

by Paul Bowles

The Thicket of Spring: Poems 1926-1969

by Paul Bowles

May 18, 1972 issue

A Very Difficult Author

A Very Difficult Author

Gertrude Stein in Pieces

by Richard Bridgman

Four Americans in Paris: The Collections of Gertrude Stein and Her Family

a catalog with seven essays and two word-portraits

Gertrude Stein on Picasso

edited by Edward Burns

Gertrude Stein and the Present

by Allegra Stewart

Gertrude Stein Talking: A Trans-Atlantic Interview

by Robert Bartlett Haas

The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and Her World

by John Malcolm Brinnin

Gertrude Stein: Her Life and Work

by Elizabeth Sprigge

Gertrude Stein: A Biography of Her Work

by Donald Sutherland

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April 8, 1971 issue

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