Friendship and Fratricide, an Analysis of Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss
by Meyer A. Zeligs M.D.
American Hurrah
by Jean-Claude van Itallie, Directed by Jacques Levy
The Homecoming
by Harold Pinter, Directed by Peter Hall
The Trial of the Germans: Nuremberg 1945-1946
by Eugene Davidson
Auschwitz: A Report on the Proceedings Against Robert Karl Ludwig Mulka and Others Before the Court at Frankfurt
by Bernd Naumann, Introduction by Hannah Arendt and Hannah Arendt
Death in Rome
by Robert Katz
The Race of Time
by Herschel Baker
Paradoxia Epidemica: The Renaissance Tradition of Paradox
by Rosalie L. Colie
The Earthly Paradise and the Renaissance Epic
by A. Bartlett Giamatti
Overtaken by Events: The Dominican Crisis
from the Fall of Trujillo to the Civil War
by John Bartlow Martin
Ancient Europe from the Beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity
by Stuart Piggott
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