
Calling for “The Doctor”

Victorian Painting

by Graham Reynolds

Victorian Narrative Paintings

by Raymond Lister

Color It Orange

The Innocent Party

by John Hawkes


Scott of the Antarctic

by Reginald Pound

Peary, the Explorer and the Man

by John Edward Weems

The Poe Mystery Case

The Recognition of Edgar Allan Poe: A Collection of Critical Essays

edited by Eric W. Carlson

Poe: A Collection of Critical Essays

edited by Robert Regan

Emancipated Women

Vessel of Wrath: The Life and Times of Carry Nation

by Robert Lewis Taylor

Vicky: A Biography of Victoria C. Woodhull

by M.M. Marberry

Mrs. Satan: The Incredible Saga of Victoria C. Woodhull

by Johanna Johnston

Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Discovery

by Robert Peel

The Puritan Ethic and Woman Suffrage

by Alan P. Grimes

Dutch Master

The Hours of Catherine of Cleves

Introduction and Commentaries by John Plummer

Not so Lost Causes

The Catholic Avant-Garde: French Catholicism Since World War II

edited by Jean-Marie Domenach, edited by Robert de Montvalon

The French Communist Party and the Crisis of International Communism

by François Fejtö

Strategy For Labor: A Radical Proposal

by André Gorz

Dangling Countries

Inside South America

by John Gunther

Parasitism and Subversion: The Case of Latin America

by Stanislav Andreski

Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America: Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil

by Andre Gunder Frank

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