
The Sporting Life

Muhammad Ali: A Portrait in Words and Photographs

by Wilfrid Sheed


by Robert Lipsyte

The Fight

by Norman Mailer

The Greatest: My Own Story

by Muhammad Ali and Richard Durham

The Dostoevskys

Dostoevsky: Reminiscences

by Anna Dostoevsky, translated and edited by Beatrice Stillman, with an introduction by Helen Muchnic

Mozart’s ‘Opera of All Operas’

The Don Juan Legend

by Otto Rank, translated and edited, with an introduction by David G. Winter

Don Giovanni

edited by Wolfgang Plath, edited by Wolfgang Rehm


Superminds: A Scientist Looks at the Paranormal

by John Taylor

The Magic of Uri Geller

by the Amazing Randi

The Return of George Wallace

The Wallaces of Alabama

by George Wallace Jr., as told to James Gregory

Anatomy Lessons

The Anatomical Works of George Stubbs

by Terence Doherty

The Lives of Ancient Women

Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity

by Sarah B. Pomeroy

Females of the Species: Semonides on Women

by Hugh Lloyd-Jones

Sex and Power in History

by Amaury de Riencourt

Unsafe at Any Speed

Cocaine Papers by Sigmund Freud

edited and with an introduction by Robert Byck MD, notes by Anna Freud

Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects

by Richard Ashley

The Speed Culture: Amphetamine Use and Abuse in America

by Lester Grinspoon MD and Peter Hedblom

Cracking the Code

After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation

by George Steiner

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