
Frustrated Father

Jerome: His Life, Writings and Controversies

by J.N.D. Kelly

The Real Reason Chappaquiddick Disqualifies Kennedy

The Last Kennedy

by Robert Sherrill

Edward Kennedy and the Camelot Legacy

by James MacGregor Burns

Senator Ted Kennedy: The Career Behind the Image

by Theo Lippman Jr.

Passions in Politics


by Gore Vidal

Dogs and Heroes in Homer

Nature and Culture in the Iliad: The Tragedy of Hector

by James M. Redfield

A Companion to the Iliad (Based on the Translation by Richmond Lattimore)

by Malcolm M. Willcock

Man of Pain

Selected Poems of Giuseppe Ungaretti

translated and edited by Allen Mandelbaum

Murder, she says.


by Agatha Christie

The Dangerous Edge

by Gavin Lambert

Fighting Freud

Out of My System: Psychoanalysis, Ideology, and Critical Method

by Frederick Crews

The War No One Won

The Eastern Front, 1914-1917

by Norman Stone

Boyish Masters

A Matter of Honour: An Account of the Indian Army, Its Officers and Men

by Philip Mason

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