
Heroic Darkness

The Ends of Power

by H.R. Haldeman and Joseph DiMona

With Nixon

by Raymond Price

Beethoven at Home


by Maynard Solomon

Separating the Chypre from the Ghosts

Eastward Ha!

by S.J. Perelman

Some Romance!

The Romance of American Communism

by Vivian Gornick

The Outlaw

The Life of Dylan Thomas

by Paul Ferris

The Third Indochina War

Communist Party Power in Kampuchea (Cambodia): Documents and Discussion Studies, Cornell University

compiled and edited with an introduction by Timothy Michael Carney

Murder of a Gentle Land: The Untold Story of Communist Genocide in Cambodia

by John Barron and Anthony Paul

Cambodia: Starvation and Revolution

by George C. Hildebrand and Gareth Porter

Artist of Nightmare

Andrei Bely: His Life and Works

by Konstantin Mochulsky, translated by Nora Szalavitz


by Andrei Bely, translated, annotated, and introduced by Robert A. Maguire and John E. Malmstad

The New History of England

Reform and Reformation: England 1509-1558

by G.R. Elton

Stability and Strife: England 1714-1760

by W.A. Speck

TV Guide

Television: The First Fifty Years

by Jeff Greenfield

Remote Control

by Frank Mankiewicz and Joel Swerdlow

The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate

by Erik Barnouw

Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television

by Jerry Mander

A Daemon at Oxford

Missing Persons: An Autobiography

by E.R. Dodds

‘Full to Overflowing’

Shakespeare's Sonnets

edited with analytic commentary by Stephen Booth

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