Communist Party Power in Kampuchea (Cambodia): Documents and Discussion Studies, Cornell University
compiled and edited with an introduction by Timothy Michael Carney
Murder of a Gentle Land: The Untold Story of Communist Genocide in Cambodia
by John Barron and Anthony Paul
Cambodia: Starvation and Revolution
by George C. Hildebrand and Gareth Porter
Andrei Bely: His Life and Works
by Konstantin Mochulsky, translated by Nora Szalavitz
by Andrei Bely, translated, annotated, and introduced by Robert A. Maguire and John E. Malmstad
Reform and Reformation: England 1509-1558
by G.R. Elton
Stability and Strife: England 1714-1760
by W.A. Speck
Television: The First Fifty Years
by Jeff Greenfield
Remote Control
by Frank Mankiewicz and Joel Swerdlow
The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate
by Erik Barnouw
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
by Jerry Mander
Shakespeare's Sonnets
edited with analytic commentary by Stephen Booth
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