
Country Life

The Enigma of Arrival

by V.S. Naipaul

Living Through the War

Berlin Diaries: 1940–1945

by Marie Vassiltchikov

The Father of It All

The History

by Herodotus, translated by David Grene

Isness Is Her Business

Out on a Limb

by Shirley MacLaine

'Out on a Limb'

an ABC TV miniseries written by Colin Higgins and Shirley MacLaine

Dancing in the Light

by Shirley MacLaine


edited by Steven Lee Weinberg

The Maestro on the Market

Understanding Toscanini: How He Became an American Culture-God and Helped Create a New Audience for Old Music

by Joseph Horowitz

Charmed Particles


by D.M. Thomas


by Richard Sennett

Concerto Barocco

Culture of the Baroque: Analysis of a Historical Structure

by José Antonio Maravall, translated by Terry Cochran

The Eye of the Master

The Museum World of Henry James

by Adeline R. Tintner

Am I My Brain?

The View from Nowhere

by Thomas Nagel

Reagan’s Highest Folly

Weapons in Space

edited by Franklin A. Long, edited by Donald Hafner, edited by Jeffrey Boutwell

Space Weapons and International Security

edited by Bhupendra Jasani for SIPRI

Empty Promise: The Growing Case Against Star Wars

edited by John Tirman. under the auspices of The Union of Concerned Scientists

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