Out on a Limb
by Shirley MacLaine
'Out on a Limb'
an ABC TV miniseries written by Colin Higgins and Shirley MacLaine
Dancing in the Light
by Shirley MacLaine
edited by Steven Lee Weinberg
Understanding Toscanini: How He Became an American Culture-God and Helped Create a New Audience for Old Music
by Joseph Horowitz
Culture of the Baroque: Analysis of a Historical Structure
by José Antonio Maravall, translated by Terry Cochran
Weapons in Space
edited by Franklin A. Long, edited by Donald Hafner, edited by Jeffrey Boutwell
Space Weapons and International Security
edited by Bhupendra Jasani for SIPRI
Empty Promise: The Growing Case Against Star Wars
edited by John Tirman. under the auspices of The Union of Concerned Scientists
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