Art Restoration: The Culture, the Business and the Scandal
by James Beck, with Michael Daley
First Awakenings: The Early Poems of Laura Riding
edited by Elizabeth Friedmann and Alan J. Clark and Robert Nye
The Word 'Woman' and Other Related Writings
by Laura (Riding) Jackson, edited by Elizabeth Friedmann, edited by Alan J. Clark
Four Unposted Letters to Catherine
by Laura Riding, afterword by Elizabeth Friedmann and Alan J. Clark
In Extremis: The Life of Laura Riding
by Deborah Baker
Before Night Falls
by Reinaldo Arenas, translated by Dolores M. Koch
El Central
translated by Anthony Kerrigan
The Ill-fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando
translated by Andrew Hurley
Graveyard of the Angels
translated by Alfred MacAdam
Old Rosa and The Brightest Star
translated by Ann Tashi Slater, translated by Andrew Hurley
The Doorman
translated by Dolores M. Koch
Singing From The Well
translated by Andrew Hurley
The Palace of the White Skunks
translated by Andrew Hurley
Farewell to the Sea
translated by Andrew Hurley
Aristide: An Autobiography
by Jean-Bertrand Aristide, with Christophe Wargny, translated by Linda M. Maloney
In the Parish of the Poor:Writings From Haiti
by Jean-Bertrand Aristide, translated and edited by Amy Wilentz
'To My Best Friend': Correspondence between Tchaikovsky and Nadezhda von Meck (1876–1878)
translated by Galina von Meck, edited by Edward Garden and Nigel Gotteri, Introduction by Edward Garden
Tchaikovsky: The Final Years (1885–1893)
by David Brown
Enlightenment and the Shadows of Chance: The Novel and the Culture of Gambling in Eighteenth-Century France
by Thomas M. Kavanagh
Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance
by John M. Riddle
Demography and Roman Society
by Tim G. Parkin
Freud's Russia: National Identity in the Evolution of Psychoanalysis
by James L. Rice
Father Knows Best: The Use and Abuse of Power in Freud's Case of 'Dora'
by Robin Tolmach Lakoff and James C. Coyne
Seductive Mirage: An Exploration of the Work of Sigmund Freud
by Allen Esterson
A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein
by John Kerr
Short Cuts
directed by Robert Altman, screenplay by Robert Altman and Frank Barhydt, based on the writings of Raymond Carver
Short Cuts: Selected Stories
by Raymond Carver
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