To the Editors:
New York Review readers have heard about the activities of Teachers and Writers Collaborative through the work of Kenneth Koch and Herbert Kohl.
Twenty-two writers and artists are now working in T & W programs in eleven schools in the New York City area. They are not visiting specialists but have become part of the schools they work in. The children in their groups not only write poetry and prose, but also use film, videotape, animation, print, dance, and music.
Excerpts from the children’s writings and from the diaries of the writers working with them are published in T & W’s magazine. The current issue, which we have called The Whole Word Catalogue, draws together ideas about children’s writing from our five years of experience. In addition to the magazine, we issue special publications, such as A Day Dream I Had at Night, an account of helping children write their own readers, with seventy pages of the children’s writing.
The magazine costs $5.00 for four issues, $1.50 for a single issue, and the special publications $1.00 each. Subscriptions and inquiries should be addressed to the Teachers and Writers Collaborative, c/o PS 3, 490 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014. We will be glad to send a free copy of A Day Dream I Had at Night with every new subscription to the T & W magazine.
Steven Schrader
New York City
This Issue
March 22, 1973