In response to:
Sons and Brothers from the February 3, 1994 issue
To the Editors:
One of the entries at the beginning of John Bayley’s essay on Henry James’s letters [NYR, February 3, 1994] is incorrect. It should read: Henry James, Lettere a Miss Allen—Letters to Miss Allen, edited by Rosella Mamoli Zorzi, Rosellina Archinto (Publisher).
There may have been some confusion due to the fact that in Italian “editore” means “publisher,” while the “editor” is indicated in Italian as “a cura di.”
It is an honour to have one’s book reviewed in The New York Review of Books, but there are two Roses for Henry James.
Rosella Mamoli Zorzi
Dipartimento di Letterature e
Civiltà Anglo-Germaniche
University of Venice
Venice, Italy
This Issue
June 22, 1995